Using webcam with a Java application


Before getting struck in a restless time period I determine to put my second post about Java Media Framework. In my previous post I’ve showed how to play audio and video files using this framework.

In this post I’m going to show you how to capture an image and how to record a video using webcam.

Capturing an image

First you need to get a list of devices with the help of CaptureDeviceManager and filter out the first element of that list. Then you can get the visual component of it and use it as the video screen.

Then you have to place all those player control panel and video screen on a frame. After that you allow the program to capture image after a certain time.

After that as in many cases Java has to treat the buffered image. You can save the image in any format you wish, with the help of ImageIO.

Here’s an example code on how to do that.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

 * @author BUDDHIMA
public class WebCam {

    CaptureDeviceInfo device;
    MediaLocator ml;
    Player player;
    Component videoScreen;

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        new WebCam();// create a new instance of WebCam in main function

    WebCam() {
        try {
//gets a list of devices how support the given videoformat
            Vector deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new RGBFormat());

//gets the first device in deviceList
            device = (CaptureDeviceInfo) deviceList.firstElement();

            ml = device.getLocator();

            player = Manager.createRealizedPlayer(ml);


            videoScreen = player.getVisualComponent();
            Frame frm = new Frame();
            frm.setBounds(10, 10, 900, 700);//sets the size of the screen

// setting close operation to the frame
            frm.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {

                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) {

//place player and video screen on the frame
            frm.add(videoScreen, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            frm.add(player.getControlPanelComponent(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);

//capture image
            Thread.sleep(10000);//wait 10 seconds before capturing photo

            FrameGrabbingControl fgc = (FrameGrabbingControl) player.getControl("");

            Buffer buf = fgc.grabFrame();//grab the current frame on video screen

            BufferToImage btoi = new BufferToImage((VideoFormat) buf.getFormat());

            Image img = btoi.createImage(buf);

            saveImagetoFile(img, "MyPhoto.jpg");//save the captured image as MyPhoto.jpg

        } catch (Exception e) {

    private void saveImagetoFile(Image img, String string) {
        try {
            int w = img.getWidth(null);
            int h = img.getHeight(null);
            BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
            Graphics2D g2 = bi.createGraphics();

            g2.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);


            String fileType = string.substring(string.indexOf('.') + 1);

            ImageIO.write(bi, fileType, new File(string));

        } catch (Exception e) {

How it works

Record a video

Although this code is not functioning too well, you can capture some small video clips using this. I’ve to mention that captureing a video is not that much easy as capturing an image. You have to study about Processors and ProcessorModels in JMF to get the clear idea about that.

import java.util.Vector;
 * @author BUDDHIMA
public class CamRecorder {

    static VideoFormat videoFormat;
    static AudioFormat audioFormat;
    static CaptureDeviceInfo videoDevice;
    static CaptureDeviceInfo audioDevice;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            Vector deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new YUVFormat()); //get all media devices
            CaptureDeviceInfo device = (CaptureDeviceInfo) deviceList.firstElement(); //in this computer the only capture device is in=built webcam stays at 0th position
            Format[] formats = device.getFormats(); //get all formats

            for (int x = 0; x < formats.length; x++) {
                if (formats[x] != null && formats[x] instanceof VideoFormat) {
                    videoFormat = (VideoFormat) formats[x]; //take the video format
                    videoDevice = device;
                if (formats[x] != null && formats[x] instanceof AudioFormat) {
                    audioFormat = (AudioFormat) formats[x]; //take the audio format
                    //audioDevice = device;
            //create data sources
            DataSource videoDataSource = Manager.createDataSource(device.getLocator());

            deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new AudioFormat(null)); //get all media devices
            device = (CaptureDeviceInfo) deviceList.firstElement();

            DataSource audioDataSource=Manager.createDataSource(device.getLocator());

            DataSource[] dArray=new DataSource[2];

                DataSource mixedDataSource = Manager.createMergingDataSource(dArray);

            //format for output

                Format[] outputFormats=new Format[2];
                outputFormats[0]=new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.YUV);
                outputFormats[1]=new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.LINEAR);
            //output type
                FileTypeDescriptor outputType=new FileTypeDescriptor(FileTypeDescriptor.MSVIDEO);

            //settingup Processor
                ProcessorModel processorModel=new ProcessorModel(mixedDataSource, outputFormats, outputType);
                Processor processor=Manager.createRealizedProcessor(processorModel);

            //settingup sink
                DataSource outputDataSource=processor.getDataOutput();
                MediaLocator destination=new MediaLocator("file:.\\testcam.avi");
                DataSink dataSink=Manager.createDataSink(outputDataSource, destination);

                //start sink + processor



        } catch (Exception ex) {




1. JMF Architecture



Published by Buddhima Wijeweera

I am a senior software engineer who completed undergraduate studies and postgraduate studies at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.

93 thoughts on “Using webcam with a Java application

  1. hi i have compiled the program Capturing Of Images but its showing the output as

    Plz help me how to over come this error

    1. First you have to download the appropriate .jar file
      Then in Netbeans you can see Project window on left panel (If not go Windows -> Projects)
      Expand the tree view of your Java project
      Then right click on ” Libraries” folder and select “Add JAR/Folder …”
      After that select the downloaded .jar folder.
      Then at the beginning of your class (you wish to use those libraries) import these libraries.
      That’s all . 🙂

  2. First of all thank you so much for such an amazing program that you have shared with us…

    I am facing the Same Problem as mentioned earlier…. I have compiled the above program but its showing me exception like :

    Plz help me how to over come this error

    I have gone through the link you have given but still not able to rectify the problem…Please Help me out….!!!!!!!!!!!

    Buddhima Wijeweera,Can i have your email id plz ??? I have some More doubts…

    1. sweeti22 did you overcome the problem
      dear buddhima wijeweera im geeting the same error as other nosuchelement error can u plz help me

      1. Sherya,
        As I said earlier cases, some cameras do not support JMF. Then you have to try another.
        This page says another method (it’s also mentioned in previous comments also):

        Some people who failed in JMF , have overcome through this.

        If not, you can try on OpenCV (version for Java)
        But I haven’t experience. I have heard that OpenCV also use with C#,C,C++.

        So I wish these may help you too….!

  3. C:\>javac

    C:\>java WebCam
    [vfw:Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32):0 : vfw://0
    RGB, 320×240, Length=230400, 24-bit, Masks=3:2:1, PixelStride=3, LineStride=960,
    RGB, 160×120, Length=57600, 24-bit, Masks=3:2:1, PixelStride=3, LineStride=480,
    RGB, 176×144, Length=76032, 24-bit, Masks=3:2:1, PixelStride=3, LineStride=528,
    RGB, 352×288, Length=304128, 24-bit, Masks=3:2:1, PixelStride=3, LineStride=1056
    , Flipped
    RGB, 640×480, Length=921600, 24-bit, Masks=3:2:1, PixelStride=3, LineStride=1920
    , Flipped

  4. Exception in thread “VFW Request Thread” java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: JMFSecurityManager: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Windows\System32\jmvfw.dll: Can’t load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform

    got tis error any help please thx

  5. Hy!
    i would like to do it the same but grabbing the frame from a video stored in my pc. So i create the player from a data source:
    p= Manager.createRealizedPlayer(ds);

    i can watch the video but when i tried to grab the video the image is null:
    Buffer bf=fgc.grabFrame();
    BufferToImage bti = new BufferToImage((VideoFormat)bf.getFormat());
    Image ima=bti.createImage(bf);
    if (ima==null){
    System.out.println(“bti null”);
    I have used the sleep and this thing is driving me crazy! do you know what might be the problem?? can you try to do the same with a video stored in your pc??
    do i need to set my classpath???

    sorry for all those questions 🙂

  6. Hai,
    The Example code is very nice.And i had a problem.The*;package is not exist.So how to over come this problem.
    please reply.
    This is extremely very nice for me.


    1. Hi Gnana,
      For this example you need to install Java Media Framework. This is a continuation of my previous post “” , I didn’t mentioned about that here. 🙂

  7. Thanks for your valuable post, please keep on posting such valuable posts.

    I tried this application, but JMF is not showing any image capturing devices(my Intex USB web camera).

    Could you please help in this issue of how to make sure that JMF detects my web camera, so that I can capture the image from video.

  8. hi, this is kiran from bangalore
    i am working in a project
    where the project tells that
    we have to use java coding
    and here i have used ur code….. its working very fine… thanks for posting it in the site…..
    i just had a problem…….
    can you please post me the code on same thing using applet
    and in your code the capturing of the media data happens and it gets stored in a file called test.avi and if i need to record another video and and save it in an another file it doesnt happen in that way, can u help in this sort………. please post the required code to the above mail-id

    thanking you

    Naga kiran kumar

  9. when I run the programe it does not giec the output…it gives me error as:java.util.NoSuchElementException… piz sir help me

    1. Hi Jayashri,
      This problem occurs mainly because your web cam does not support JMF. As I told in post JMF is a bit older framework and doesn’t support all web cams. Alternative approaches may be the solutions given in the comments above. Hope you will get solution through those.

  10. Hi buddhima


    this code doesn,t work my laptop inbuild web cam, is this not support laptop web cam???? help me

    1. Hi Sandaruwan,
      Support for JMF depends on the type of the web cam. I tried this with my laptop inbuilt web cam and it worked. But some types of web cam may not support for JMF, if so you have to go with another solution. Some of them are mentioned in the previous comments.

  11. hi. i’ve tried the code and it works, but i dont know how to capture the image then save it as .jpg or .jpeg file. help me…
    thanks 🙂

    1. Hi Ariyanti,

      If you look at the code carefully you’ll notice that at line No.70, grabFrame() method is used to capture the current frame on camera (what is visible to the camera at that moment). Then it creates a BufferedToImage object. By using saveImagetoFile method you can save the file with .jpg,png or gif format (
      Only thing you have to do is replace “MyPhoto.jpg” with the name you wish to see. (eg: Abc.png).
      Hope you got the answer 🙂

    1. regarding about this i can help u. mail to this id about your problem, because i have worked my project in this technology regarding capturing video only.

      this comment which i am passing is for all people who wants to know how the video can be recorded using the JMF…. u can to the above mail id which i have mentioned in the comment

      1. Hi Naga Kiran,
        Thanks for come and trying to help. But I think the problem is about capturing an image.
        It’s also better if you can share your experience about capturing video here, so it would help others.

    2. Hi Ariyanti,
      In this code you won’t get a button. grabFrame() captures the frame. In this code it waits 10 seconds (code:Thread.sleep(10000);) before capture.
      You can add a button and insert grabFrame() method, so you can capture images when you click it. But rest of the program must need a change in flow.
      Hope you got the answer now 🙂


    i think this link will help you. try with this let us discuss the capturing of image later.

    this link will help you totally how to record the video in an avi format……
    and it is easy to execute if you know how to configure JMF etc………..

    please leave a comment personally to this mail – id, if it got really helpful to you, and if you have any douts how to run this……..

  13. I tried this code,but when it capture image it show only black screen…..
    plz help me to slove this….

    1. can you post me which code have you tried so that we can find the problem and solve it………..

    2. import java.awt.BorderLayout;
      import java.awt.Component;
      import java.awt.Frame;
      import java.awt.Graphics2D;
      import java.awt.Image;
      import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
      import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
      import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
      import java.util.Vector;
      import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

      * @author BUDDHIMA
      public class WebCam {

      CaptureDeviceInfo device;
      MediaLocator ml;
      Player player;
      Component videoScreen;

      public static void main(String args[]) {
      new WebCam();// create a new instance of WebCam in main function

      WebCam() {
      try {
      //gets a list of devices how support the given videoformat
      Vector deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new RGBFormat());

      //gets the first device in deviceList
      device = (CaptureDeviceInfo) deviceList.firstElement();

      ml = device.getLocator();

      player = Manager.createRealizedPlayer(ml);


      videoScreen = player.getVisualComponent();
      Frame frm = new Frame();
      frm.setBounds(10, 10, 900, 700);//sets the size of the screen

      // setting close operation to the frame
      frm.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {

      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) {

      //place player and video screen on the frame
      frm.add(videoScreen, BorderLayout.CENTER);
      frm.add(player.getControlPanelComponent(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);

      //capture image
      Thread.sleep(5000);//wait 10 seconds before capturing photo

      FrameGrabbingControl fgc = (FrameGrabbingControl) player.getControl(“”);

      Buffer buf = fgc.grabFrame();//grab the current frame on video screen

      BufferToImage btoi = new BufferToImage((VideoFormat) buf.getFormat());

      Image img = btoi.createImage(buf);
      saveImagetoFile(img, “MyPhoto.jpg”);//save the captured image as MyPhoto.jpg
      } catch (Exception e) {

      private void saveImagetoFile(Image img, String string) {
      try {
      int w = img.getWidth(null);
      int h = img.getHeight(null);
      BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
      Graphics2D g2 = bi.createGraphics();

      g2.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);


      String fileType = string.substring(string.indexOf(‘.’) + 1);

      ImageIO.write(bi, fileType, new File(string));
      } catch (Exception e) {

      try this code for capturing image and reply me

      1. i was trying to take a img from camera in java program
        it return java.util.NoSuchElementException exception
        what I do please help me

  14. How we use the “CaptureDeviceManager” to filter the elements as you described at the beginning,can you put that in step by step

    1. it takes some time i have little time , but i will get you back soon with your question with step by step procedure and code….. reply me with which type of module you are working on JMF for example image capturing, video recording etc…..

    2. import java.awt.BorderLayout;
      import java.awt.Component;
      import java.awt.Frame;
      import java.awt.Graphics2D;
      import java.awt.Image;
      import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
      import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
      import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
      import java.util.Vector;
      import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

      * @author BUDDHIMA
      public class WebCam {

      CaptureDeviceInfo device;
      MediaLocator ml;
      Player player;
      Component videoScreen;

      public static void main(String args[]) {
      new WebCam();// create a new instance of WebCam in main function

      WebCam() {
      try {
      //gets a list of devices how support the given videoformat
      Vector deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new RGBFormat());

      //gets the first device in deviceList
      device = (CaptureDeviceInfo) deviceList.firstElement();

      ml = device.getLocator();

      player = Manager.createRealizedPlayer(ml);


      videoScreen = player.getVisualComponent();
      Frame frm = new Frame();
      frm.setBounds(10, 10, 900, 700);//sets the size of the screen

      // setting close operation to the frame
      frm.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {

      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) {

      //place player and video screen on the frame
      frm.add(videoScreen, BorderLayout.CENTER);
      frm.add(player.getControlPanelComponent(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);

      //capture image
      Thread.sleep(5000);//wait 10 seconds before capturing photo

      FrameGrabbingControl fgc = (FrameGrabbingControl) player.getControl(“”);

      Buffer buf = fgc.grabFrame();//grab the current frame on video screen

      BufferToImage btoi = new BufferToImage((VideoFormat) buf.getFormat());

      Image img = btoi.createImage(buf);
      saveImagetoFile(img, “MyPhoto.jpg”);//save the captured image as MyPhoto.jpg
      } catch (Exception e) {

      private void saveImagetoFile(Image img, String string) {
      try {
      int w = img.getWidth(null);
      int h = img.getHeight(null);
      BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
      Graphics2D g2 = bi.createGraphics();

      g2.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);


      String fileType = string.substring(string.indexOf(‘.’) + 1);

      ImageIO.write(bi, fileType, new File(string));
      } catch (Exception e) {

      this peace of code tells you the step by step procedure
      and observe the comment lines description you will come to know

  15. hiii friends…….. im new for java technology. i wna code for capture image or record video for all types of media not for particular. any one can help me……
    i tried above one. its given same response as given to others like \
    null exception

    plese help me i need ur help.. plaese

  16. hi friends i am new for java technology. i want code for displaying image or capture the video from webcam using with out jmf. pls help me thanks in advance

      1. Thank u my friend , ok this Exception occur when i run the program, “java.util.NoSuchElementException”. remember my package name is application50 is not problem

    1. Hi halkawt,
      As you can see there are list of devices in deviceList. but in here I’m using deviceList.firstElement() to get the first.
      I think you can display multiple camera’s by accessing to other devices in that list.

  17. java.util.NoSuchElementException

    this code doesn,t work my laptop inbuild web cam, is this not support laptop web cam???? help me

  18. thanks but how to add webcam in devicelist and how to check it your webcem in devicelist icluded or not
    plese help me

  19. sorry not work


    this code doesn,t work my laptop inbuild web cam, is this not support laptop web cam?
    i use windows 7 os how to ADD divicelist in webcam

    your code not work generate above exception plese some more solution friends i wait you
    help me ?


    1. Hi Ranjit,
      The program should work if your webcam support JMF, and proved by some of above comments too.
      But if your web cam does not support this, you have to find an alternative. Some alternatives are already provided in previous comments, so you can try on them.

  20. hi
    i am use window 7 operating system by default camera are not included i use some spacial webcam software . do not include in device list
    plese how to solve this problem to run over code

  21. In My application working fine but i can’t take more the 5 or 6 image its goes to heap
    memory space error. could anyone please help me . How to avoid heap memory space error.

  22. Is There any code for developing the same sort of application Using JSP actually i was designing a Visitors pass facility for my company where i need to remotely give the application using a webpage where they can capture image and made a entry to the database.

    If so can you please give me a download link or something

  23. What if i use flash frameworks inside the JSP???

    But i am unable to find out the codes for capturing the image and save it to the database (Oracle 11gr2)

    Can you please help – I would be very much grateful to you

    Thanks In advance

    1. Hi Aditya,
      I’m not families with the technologies you mentioned.
      But according to the link [1] I gave above, you can implement an application which saves an image.
      Then you have to try on how to save an image into the database (using blob or similar type of data). I think saving in to a db would not be difficult.

  24. but here if i use your code in my jsp page then is there any code to capture the image and name it as an sting array

    or is it not possible

    actually i’m designing a system for visitors card passes in my company

    and many a visitors use to visit again and again

    so that gate pass can be made the gate pass thing is already been implemented

    but photo identification of each person is required

    can you please help, i would be very much thankful to you

  25. java.util.NoSuchElementException error I also toke but ı have JMstudio and my webcam is working on that ??? System.out.println(deviceList.toString()); and that code return null and java.util.NoSuchElementException

    my operating system is Windows 7

    Please help,


  26. Hi Buddhima,
    in my laptop i am trying to execute your code capturing image but it shows an error packages are does not exist
    explain to me why it happens and i used netbeans latest version to execute this program

    for these packages it shows an error
    plz help me as soon as possible

    1. Hi Prasad,
      It seems like you haven’t added libraries correctly. First you need to install JMF in your computer. Then you need to add library files installed in to your project lib folder. Hope you can find about adding libraries in to lib folder.

  27. Hi Buddhima,
    First of all thanks for your wonderful contribution. I am able to do video recording and image capturing and that is working perfectly fine. I just need one help, can we add video setting control like brightness,contrast,hue, sharpness etc. like video control in the player.I don’t want to use VLCJ apart from VLCJ is there any way. If yes please help me. I am in middle of some urgent project and not able to proceed further.
    Thanks in advance.


    1. Hi Dhiraj,
      Thanks for appreciations 🙂
      I spent sometime on searching for a solution. Finally ended up with the following conclusion.
      Adjusting camera settings is related to driver and lower level. ( What you can do is, post processing. Grab image at best quality and then format it (there are tools to do image processing).
      But there are alternatives too, For example: points to
      Hope the answer will help your project.

      Cheers !!!

  28. hi good work every one i have a problem that is when i run this code by eclipse java virtual machine launcher say a java exception has occurred

    if anybody could help me please thanks

  29. Hi, Its nyc work..
    I have deployed this on a server and now i want to access the webcam of client when he log in to my server and record a video of him. I am successful with recording a video at server end.
    I think may be i need to use a client side technology for this but is there any other way ?

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